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Tip n°55 : 🎊End of year, top health !🎊

Writer's picture: Dr. Sandra StallaertDr. Sandra Stallaert

One more ➕, or one less ➖, it depends on what the bottle says 🍶: half full or half empty 🙄.

Either way, we will soon end a year to start a new one 🗓️.

Summer 🌞 is almost in full swing in Mauritius 🇲🇺, the cold ☃️ is well established in Europe 🇪🇺 and for other countries 🌎, the weather comes in a thousand shades 🎨 between these two extremes.

Seasonal changes are more fragile periods for your IMMUNE SYSTEM because Mr. must adapt and this requires energy.

It’s him who will be discussed in this article, which will also be the last of the year… yes… I’m sad too 😢…

I was recently discussing this subject with one of my patients who asked me if we could really boost an immune system, or if all the remedies proposed were just marketing... very juicy marketing, we must admit 🤑.

repas équilibré

A healthy immune system is above all an organism in balance: body, soul, spirit ⚖️.

If your diet is unbalanced 🍔, if you are stressed all day 🤯, if you are socially isolated 😢, if you take a ton of medications 💊💊💊... these are just examples... it is obvious that your immune system will not be not in top form 👎 and that taking a food supplement will not be conclusive 🤷‍♀️.

A drop of water 💧 in a stormy ocean 🌊 ❗️

But... with me there is always a but 😉... there is still one or another remedy that is useful to support your immunity, just to give it a little boost to get you through the season.

But... one more but... the remedies alone will be of no use to you if you do not combine them with certain essentials.

Here are 10 tips to support your best friend, Mr. IMMUNE SYSTEM:

✅ Vitamins, minerals and trace elements:

- Vitamin D: 1000IU/day, if you are deficient you will need to increase this dosage. When you take a blood test, always ask for the dosage of this vitamin. This is THE vitamin your immune system needs!

- Vitamin C: 1000mg/day (at least) in the morning, preferably a slow release form

- Magnesium: 1000 mg of magnesium orotate, bisglycinate or citrate

- Zinc: 10mg/day, to be taken between meals.

If you have active cancer or a history of cancer you should NOT take it.

- Selenium: according to the dosage indicated on the box, in general it is 1 tablet per day. And if you like Brazil nuts - they are very high in selenium - eat 1-2 every day. It’s still better than a tablet, no ❓

✅ Drink water: the quantity will depend on your body size, the weather, your physical activity, taking medication... 1.5l of pure water is a minimum, coffee and tea do not count because they are dehydrating and juices don't count either.

✅ Sleep: this is a vast subject that I have already discussed at length (see tips n°43, n°44 and n°45). Quality sleep is essential for good health. Yes... we agree... not always easy.

✅ Cardiac coherence (see tip #19) is a very useful way to improve your health in general and your immune system in particular. ✅ Reduce your consumption of: sugars, white bread, white rice, pasta, pastries, sweets, cereals, industrial juices, sodas, ice creams, dairy products (especially milk and yogurts) as well as processed foods... the more the label is the longer, the more doubtful ❗️

✅ Eat vegetables at every meal: lots of vegetables = at least half of your plate.

✅ Chew well: to facilitate digestion.

A healthy digestive system is the guarantee of a well-functioning immune system.

✅ Favor good fats: olive, rapeseed, camelina and walnut oil, 2 tablespoons per day, at least.

Always choose them extra virgin, cold pressed and eat them raw.

✅ Also: fish (2 to 3 times a week) as well as raw nuts, almonds, hazelnuts…

✅ Fast regularly: skip breakfast, drink water for 24 hours, eat every other day, fast for 3 days AND/OR 24 hours only on steamed vegetables and good oil, mono-diet (fruit or vegetables), only filtered juices or broths...the possibilities are numerous.

✅ Breathe: essential for good oxygenation of all your organs.

✅ Smile and be kind to yourself, this has many benefits for your physiology. It's not just a fantasy, it's a reality.

Habits are formed with practice, the more you practice the more it will become second nature... Rome was not built in a day 😉.

And what better time than the end of the year to adopt new habits ❓ It’s THE time ❗️

All that remains is for me to wish you the best and much more for this end of the year 🎊.

May this passage towards the year 2025 be sparkling, joyful, festive and accompanied by lots of love ♥️.

I send you a lot of affection 🤗 and I’ll see you next year ❗️

Docteur Sandra Stallaert 

Cabinet de Santé Holistique

Homéopathe - Nutritionniste

Consultation à distance


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Plaine des Papayes
Bois Mangues - Pamplemousses

Mauritius Island

Disclaimer : The information on this website is provided for informational purposes only. They are not intended to replace the advice

from your physician or other professional and should not be used to diagnose or treat any health problem or disease, or to prescribe medication or any other form of treatment. If you have a health problem, contact your doctor.

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